Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Peterborough Slam Finals - TUESDAY JUNE 15

Heh Everyone,

We've got the P-Borough Slam Finals coming up: two weeks today... Tuesday June 15th. Of course it's going to be amazing.... the typically chill and welcoming Slam Scene, plus we have a possible feature in the works to add to the amazingness. But more on that later.

Calling all poets!!... The top four poets from the June Slam will qualify for the Peterborough Slam Team, which means, among other things you'll get to go to the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word in Ottawa this October. It's an amazing opportunity to get inspired, have fun, and be blown away be the wonderfully welcoming talent from across the country.!!

The Slam will proceed as usual two rounds of poetry.. Don't hesitate to re-perform old poems... We all like listening to songs more than once, so why not poems too, right???

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