Sunday, March 22, 2009

Urgent - Next Poetry Slam THIS Thursday the 26th!

This Thursday the 26th of March will be the next round of the Peterborough Poetry Slam & Spoken Open Stage!

Bring two pieces to take part in the shenanigans that have been happening monthly at the Spill since Nov. '07!

There is a large amount of awesome stuff happening that night in the downtown, so we are going to try and start at 8pm sharp!

If you want to read, show up around 7:30 to get on the sign-up list. Last month filled up in ten minutes.

Tell your friends and lovers, come down, listen to and/or speak some poetry, and get your drink on.

(If some of you haven't been before, a poetry slam is a mock competition between poets. There are two rounds of 8-12 poets, who each perform a poem and are then given a score from 1.0 (meh) - 10.0 (fuck yeah!) by a panel of five randomly selected audience judges. Often emotionally and politically charged, the audience is expected and allowed to cheer and jeer the judges and the poets and each other. Expect any and all styles of poetry from folk ballads to hip-hop. And remember - the points aren't the point, the poetry is the point!)

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